Elder Financial Abuse Issues
Attorneys Protecting Victims Of Elder Abuse In Colorado
When an agent for a power of attorney or a conservator or a trustee takes control of someone else’s finances or trust they are bound by a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the person for whom they are acting. Sadly, not all agents do that. Elderly exploitation can occur in a variety of ways:
- Self-dealing
- Abusing the Power of Attorney
- Duress
- Undue influence
- Failing to use appropriate care in investing
- Ignoring the requests of the person
- Financially exploiting the person
The attorneys at Glatstein & O’Brien LLP work with clients who have been victims of elder financial abuse. We have the knowledge and experience to provide intelligent, aggressive representation.
Contact Glatstein & O’Brien LLP to speak with elder law attorneys. We offer a Initial consultation.
Knowledgeable, Experienced Elder Law Attorneys Will Fight For You
If you suspect that an agent under a power of attorney is financially exploiting a senior citizen, we will represent you by:
- Filing a petition with the court: Requesting that the agent under the Power of Attorney file an accounting. This should list all funds paid out and received by the agent on behalf of the protected person. We want to ensure that all transactions are for the benefit of the protected person.
- Removing the agent: If the accounting shows improper spending or investments, we request the court remove the agent.
- Requesting the agent repay the money: If possible, we work through the court to request the agent to repay the money they took in order to restore the elderly person’s finances.
- Establishing future protections: In moving forward, we help people select a new agent under the Power of Attorney who is qualified and has the necessary integrity to perform this important fiduciary position properly.
Using A Professional Agent Can Protect You
We typically see elder financial abuse in situations where a friend or family member is chosen as the agent. While we understand that every situation is unique, we usually recommend that you use a professional agent if finances allow, rather than a family member. Professionals can cost more but they offer significantly greater protections.
We are skilled litigators with more than 25 years of courtroom elder law experience. When you need help with a serious elder abuse issue, we will work the case from start to finish. Contact us to speak with elder law lawyers today.